“Helping in our community”
Mission Statement
“To improve the health and well being of all the residents of North Belfast.”
- To work proactively across North Belfast addressing a range of health inequalities through the provision of information and support services to all residents. This support will enable all residents to make healthier choices and so improve their health and wellbeing.
- Objective 1a– To enhance opportunities and develop additional programmes so that young people have the opportunity to make informed choices in respect of their health and personal relationships.
- Objective 1b– To build on existing gender specific initiatives and develop new programmes where necessary to meet need.
- Objective 1c– To provide support services and health information to older people to enable them to live independently for as long as possible.
- To build community capacity in order for people to support full participation of local people in identifying and addressing their health needs
- Objective 2 a – To provide health related training courses so that local people can develop skills that will be used for the benefit of the local community.
- To develop, nurture and sustain partnership working on health and well being between local residents, community organisations and statutory agencies
- Objective 3a- To provide information and support on public services to local communities and to signpost, where necessary, to enable them to access appropriate and high quality services from government and statutory agencies.
- Objective 3b- To work in partnership with other community/voluntary and statutory agencies to design and deliver health promotion programmes tailored to community need.